


We offer many services all under one roof, a unique offering in a piano company. Please review the list below, and if you are interested in any of these services please contact us at 425.241.8835 or info@northwestpianos.com


We can help you sell your piano by offering it for sale on consignment in our store. Please read our Consignor Overview page for more information and fill out the Consignor Information Form. Often people are short on time and need to move the piano out of their premises quickly. Contact us and we can find a solution for you immediately.

Studio Space Rental 

We have private music studios available for rent.  These are perfect for piano, violin or voice lessons.  We also work with music teachers throughout the Pacific Northwest. 


Around the Seattle area we offer professional tuning for the home and the concert stage, as well as schools, restaurants, and simply anywhere there is a piano! In addition, we have a network of tuners around the entire Puget Sound area, and beyond. Please contact us and we can connect you with a qualified technician in your area.

Great Private Recital Space for Rent

Northwest Pianos, LLC. offers its facilities for recitals, performances and master classes. Uniquely presenting concert quality instruments complemented by professional technical support, Northwest Pianos is the ideal location to bring students, colleagues and professionals. Located within the show room of our facilities, you may select from the best instruments for your events. 

To reserve Mercer Music Hall or for more information visit our facebook page or click here to fill out the rental request form. We'll get in touch with you shortly.

Donate Your Piano

Don't know what to do with your piano? We accept donated pianos. Just fill out the Consignor Information Form and we will contact with you as soon as possible.


Contact us for all of your piano moving needs, locally as well as nationwide. The professionals we work with are the best in the industry.
Please call Pro Piano Move (425) 582-7951  www.propianomove.com 
Martinson Piano Moving (425) 252-6565   www.martinsonpianomoving.com 

Create a Matching Piano Bench

A piano without a matching piano bench is like one foot without a shoe. We believe that having a bench that matches a piano like original is a very important aspect of the beauty and cosmetic appeal of a piano, as well as the actual sale value. Contact us and send us a picture of your piano and we can give you a quote for a new or like new bench that is a great match. If you actually have the original bench but it is broken, don't throw it away! Repair of these benches is more simple than you think, bring it to us and we will rescue it for you, this bench is the best match for your piano!

Piano Recording Services

We offer professional video and audio recording of concerts and recitals through Ocean Sky Lab Music

Piano Care