Sauter Microtone 116 (46'') | Northwest Pianos


Sauter Microtone 116 (46'')


Built in 2000 in Germany. Ebony polish finish. 

The 1/16-tone upright from SAUTER. Microtonality attempts to plumb the spaces between the half-tones of the common system and, by doing so, to capitalize on new soundscapes. This system has repeatedly been the subject of movements and construction experiments in piano building for over 100 years.

In 1940 Julián Carrillo patented his 15 "metamorphoser" pianos, each tuned to scales using different, regular intervals. In the Carl SAUTER piano factory in Spaichingen, he found a piano company to build him the respective prototypes for pianos used in his project. He introduced his SAUTER instruments at the Brussels World's Fair in 1958. Depending on model, they were tuned using scales ranging from whole tones to sixteenth-tones. These instruments were awarded a gold medal in Brussels.  

This piano comes with Northwest Pianos 5 year parts and labor warranty.

It includes:

  • Matching bench
  • 1 in-home tuning
  • 100% lifetime trade-up guarantee

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